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31 votes
31 votes

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ matrix such that the elements in each row and each column are arranged in ascending order. Draw a decision tree, which finds $1$st, $2$nd and $3$rd smallest elements in minimum number of comparisons.

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3 Answers

Best answer
35 votes
35 votes

This is a two dimensional array of size $4\times4$.

You can see the elements in each row and each column are arranged in ascending order. 
Smallest element: $A[0][0]   = 2$
$2^{nd}$ smallest element: $\min(A[0][1],A[1][0])= \min(5,4)=4$
$3^{rd}$ smallest element: Just exclude the element you got as $2$$^{nd}$ smallest$(4)$. Here, we can compare $A[2][0],A[0][1]$ no need to compare with $A[0][2]$. So, it depends upon from where you got $2^{nd}$ element. You can draw a decision tree. If you got $2^{nd}$ best from $A[0][1]$ then what to do & if you get from $A[1][0]$ then what to do.

Any way, time complexity is simply O(1).
The elements are in ascending order. Not in non decreasing order. Clearly they are all distinct in a particular row or column.

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10 votes
10 votes

If all elements are distinct we have to check 1st row and 1st column.So complexity will be O(n2)

Here minimum no of comparison could be 1 , because a[0][0] will be minimum always, now we have to check between a[0][1] and a[1][0]

if all elements are not distinct we have to search all elements of the array

So, minimum comparison could be O(1)

3 votes
3 votes

The smallest element is A[0][0] 

The second smallest element is min(A[0][1], A[1],[0])

The decision tree for finding the third smallest element is as follows -


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