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Which of the following problem(s) is/are Recursively enumerable or its complement is recursively enumerable?

I. The language of all Turing machines that accept nothing.

II. The language of all Turing machines that accept everything.

III. The language of all CFG’s that are ambiguous.
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1. $L_1 = \left\{\langle M \rangle \mid L(M) = \phi \right\}$

2. $L_2 = \left\{\langle M \rangle \mid L(M) = \Sigma^* \right\}$

3. $L_3 = \left\{\langle G \rangle \mid G \text { is ambiguous }\right \}$

All 3  languages are not recursive. 

$L_1$ and $L_2$ are not even recursively enumerable.

$L_1$ not being recursively enumerable can be proved by Rice's theorem part 2 using $T_{yes}$ and $T_{no}$ such that $L(T_{yes}) = \phi$ and $L(T_{no}) = \{a\}$ (any non-empty set) thus $L(T_{yes}) \subset L(T_{no})$.

Proof for $L_2$ being not recursively enumerable is shown here.  

${L_1}'$ is recursively enumerable as here we can fed the TM all strings from the language and as long as it is accepting a string, we are guaranteed to stop at some point.

${L_2}'$ is not even recursively enumerable. Again we can use Rice's second theorem for this using $T_{yes}$ and $T_{no}$ such that $L(T_{yes} = \phi$ (any set other than $\Sigma^*$ would do) and $L(T_{no}) = \Sigma^*$  thus $L(T_{yes}) \subset L(T_{no})$. 

Proof for $L_3$ being undecidable can be done by reduction from Post Correspondence Problem. But ${L_3}$ must be recursively enumerable as here we have to check if a given grammar is ambiguous- we can take each word from $L$ and see if multiple parse tree exists- as long as grammar is ambiguous, we will eventually get a word for which there are multiple parse trees.  $L_3$ being recursively enumerable but not recursive would mean ${L_3}'$ is not recursively enumerable. 

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