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Five cities P, Q, R, S, T are connected by different modes of transport as follows:

  • P and Q connected by boat as well as rail.
  • S and R connected by bus and boat.
  • Q and  T connected by air only.
  • P and  R connected by boat only.
  • T and R connected by rail and bus.

If a person visits each of the places starting from P and gets back to P which of the following places must he visit twice?

  1. P
  2. Q
  3. R
  4. T
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From the information given, we find that the cities P, Q, R, S, T  are connected as follows:
$\begin{array}{lcr} P \Leftarrow & \Rightarrow R \Leftarrow & \Rightarrow S \\ \Uparrow & \Uparrow  & \\ \Downarrow & \Downarrow & \\ Q \Leftarrow & \Rightarrow T & \end{array}$
To go to S back to P, R must be visited twice.

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