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23 votes
23 votes

Which of the following regular expressions describes the language over$\{0, 1\}$ consisting of strings that contain exactly two $1$'s?

  1. $(0 + 1)^ * \ 11(0 + 1) ^*$
  2. $0 ^* \ 110 ^*$
  3. $0 ^* 10 ^* 10 ^*$
  4. $(0 + 1) ^* 1(0 + 1) ^* 1 (0 + 1) ^*$
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3 Answers

Best answer
37 votes
37 votes
  1. with at least $2$ consecutive $1$'s, any no of $0$'s and any no of $1$'s
  2. exactly two consecutive $1$'s
  3. exactly two $1$'s but need not be consecutive
  4. any no of $1$'s and $0$'s with at least two $1$'s

Hence, (C) is the correct option.

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14 votes
14 votes
A. We can get any number of 1.

B.More strict .. means it is covering only one possibility of containing exactly two ones.eg. 0110 ,11  . But 0101 is also satisfying the condition which is not covered by option B.

C. It is covering all d possibility of containing exactly two one's . 101,11,0011,01010........

D. Any no. Of one we can take from here


So, answer is option C.
0 votes
0 votes

Draw the Deterministic finite automata with all the transitions for ∑ = {0,1} for no. of 1’s equal to two and get it’s corresponding Regular expression.


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