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A priority queue is implemented as a Max-Heap. Initially, it has $5$ elements. The level-order traversal of the heap is: $10,8,5,3,2$. Two new elements $1$ and $7$ are inserted into the heap in that order. The level-order traversal of the heap after the insertion of the elements is

  1. $10,8,7,3,2,1,5$
  2. $10,8,7,2,3,1,5$
  3. $10,8,7,1,2,3,5$
  4. $10,8,7,5,3,2,1$
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2 Answers

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Its MAX heap. Before insertion, BFS was 10,8,5,3,2. On insertion maintain the property of complete tree plus max heap. Thus the bfs traversal will be 10,8,7,3,2,1,5. Hence option A is correct


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