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33 votes
33 votes

The majority function is a Boolean function $f(x, y, z)$ that takes the value $1$ whenever a majority of the variables $x,y,z$ are $1.$ In the circuit diagram for the majority function shown below, the logic gates for the boxes labeled $P$ and $Q$ are, respectively,

  1. $\textsf{XOR}, \textsf{AND}$
  2. $\textsf{XOR}, \textsf{XOR}$
  3. $\textsf{OR}, \textsf{OR}$
  4. $\textsf{OR}, \textsf{AND}$
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3 Answers

Best answer
70 votes
70 votes
Given expression:


Or, $x(y \: op_1 \: z) + \bar{x}(y \: op_2 \: z) = f \quad \to (1)$ $${\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|}\hline
\textbf{X}&    \textbf{Y}&  \textbf{Z}&\bf{ Output(f)}\\\hline
0&0&0&0 \\\hline 0&0&1&0\\ \hline    0&1&0&0 \\ \hline   0&1&1&1\\ \hline   1&0&0& 0 \\ \hline   1&0&1&1  \\ \hline   1&1&0& 1 \\ \hline   1&1&1&1\\ \hline
\textbf{x\\yz}&    \textbf{00}&  \textbf{01}&\bf{ 11}& \textbf{10} \\\hline
0&...&...&1&... \\\hline 1&...&1&1&1\\ \hline
\end{array}}$$ $f \implies xz+xy+yz$

$\quad \implies xz+xy+(x+\bar{x})yz $

$\quad \implies xz+xy+xyz+\bar{x}yz$

$\quad \implies x(z+y+yz)+\bar{x}yz$

$\quad \implies x[z+y(1+z)]+\bar{x}(y \bullet z)$

$\quad \implies x(z+y) + \bar{x}(y \bullet z) \quad \to (2)$

Comparing $(1)$ and $(2)$ we get,

$OP_1 = + (OR)$

$OP_2 = \bullet (AND)$

Correct Answer: $D$
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23 votes
23 votes
Ans : D) OR,AND

This is because the value of 'f' should be 1 whenever a majority of the variables is 1. If we select x as '1' , the either of z or y or both z& y needs to be 1 for the output 'f' to be '1'

The output can be low only if less than 2 variables are high. ie.atleast 2 variables are low. hence z & y should be 0. therefore AND gates can be used.
1 votes
1 votes

Here when x=0 we get Q operator and when x=1 we get P operator.

So looking to the truth table in below image:

we can see when x=0 yz do AND operation and when x=1 yz do OR operation.
So P is OR gate and Q is AND gate.


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