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23 votes
23 votes

Which of the following is(are) sufficient argument(s) to show that the vectors of set $\text{S}$ are linearly dependent?
1 \\
-2 \\
\end{array}\right], v=\left[\begin{array}{c}
-7 \\
14 \\
\end{array}\right], w=\left[\begin{array}{l}
0 \\
0 \\
Treat each option independently, correct option independently should be sufficient to infer that vectors are linearly dependent.

  1. $0 u+0 v+1 w=\left[\begin{array}{l}0 \\ 0 \\ 0\end{array}\right]$
  2. $0 u+0 v=w$
  3. $0 u+0 v+0 w=\left[\begin{array}{l}0 \\ 0 \\ 0\end{array}\right]$
  4. $7 u+(-1) v+1 w=\left[\begin{array}{l}0 \\ 0 \\ 0\end{array}\right]$
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6 Answers

8 votes
8 votes
As per the definition of $\text{LD},$ there should be a nontrivial solution to show Linear Dependence among vectors of a set. $\text{C}$ gives the trivial solution, i.e., all $0$ coefficients.
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6 votes
6 votes

Linearly dependent : A set of vector is linear dependent if atleast one of the vector can be written as linear combination of other.

lets suppose we have {v1,v2,v3,v4,v5} as set of vector and in this one vector say v1 is the linear combination of other ,v1 = c2v2+c3v3+c4v4+c5v5 then we can say set is linearly independent .


c1v1+c2v2+c3v3+……..+cnvn=0 and atleast one ci is non zero and it satisfy the equation ?? what does this mean ? It means we can write a vector of non zero coefficient as a linear combination of other .

these above two things are equal to each other .

Now come to options .

  1. ou+ov+1w=[0 0 0]  →  can you give me one ci which is non zero and satisfy the equation , yes i have which is the coeffiecient of vector w .
    0*[1 -2 7]+0*[-7 14 -49]+1*[0 0 0]=[0 0 0]   now this option is correct .
  2. 0u+0v=w →  it is also correct w is a linear combination of u and v . we can also write this equation like this 
    0u+0v+(-1)w=0 now here we have one non zero ci which is -1 and still satisfy the equation. this option is also correct 
  3. Trivial solution 
  4. 7u+(-1)v+1(w)=[0 0 0] → even this equation does not satisfy after placing value of u,v,w.

So , finally option A ,B are correct .

5 votes
5 votes

Linear Dependence can be proved if the Linear Combination of Vectors equate to zero without having all the Coefficients of the Vectors as zero.

$ c1V1 + c2V2 + …. + cnVn = 0 $, where at least one ci ! = 0

i.e. Let c1 != 0, then :  $V1 = – (\frac{c2}{c1}V2 + \frac{c3}{c1}V3 + ... + \frac{cn}{c1}Vn )$ => L.D

Since u, v, w can already be written as Option A or Option B to prove L.D, Option C violates the above rule.

Option D: LHS ! = RHS as 7u – 1v + 1w = 2v and not 0.

Therefore, Option A,B are correct

1 votes
1 votes

c1u+c2u+c3w=0 where c1,c2,c3 are scalars from this finding at least one ci0 such that the equation satisfies is the necessary and the sufficient condition for saying {v,u,w) is linearly dependent. Option A and B are sufficient To say that {v,u,w} is linearly dependent.option c is neither necessary nor sufficient as the solution set is trivial .

Option D: LHS ! = RHS as 7u – 1v + 1w = 2v and not 0.

Therefore, Option A,B are correct


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