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I got mail from IISc Bangalore for online coding round which going to help on 14th April. I got some doubts in conduction of test

  1. Are they going to send a link to coding test, how many days before the actual test they’ll send the link?                                                                                                 
  2. They said that we need to upload some identification-related document before the commencement of the test, what will be these documents, asking because I don't want to ruin the test at the last moment.
  3. When the coding interview starts does the laptop screen gets freeze or is it like we can’t open any other tab?
  4. Do we need to keep our cameras on, just in case they want to make sure there is no copying thing going on?
  5. If our solution works correctly for all inputs then whether full marks will be given to it or they will also consider time and space complexity while awarding marks?
  6. Is the use of stl (data structures and algorithms) allowed if we are using c++?

Any suggestions and tips will be highly appreciated.

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1 Answer

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  1. They usually send the shortlisting mail i.e. where you are notified that you are eligible for coding test 2 weeks prior to the test, and the link for the test is sent 5-7 days before the coding exam.
  1. The identification documents that will be needed for uploading will be mentioned on their website, to be more precise it will be present on the webpage that contains the information regarding the coding test.
  1. For the entire duration of test, the laptop screen freezes and we can’t open any other tabs
  1. We need to keep our cameras on and there is an ai tool that proctors the online exam
  1. Marks are given based on the number of test cases our solution passes, they don’t explicitly mention that our code should run in O(n) or O(nlogn) time as such. If your solution has passed all the test cases then thats it! they don’t compare how good our solution is w.r.t others.
  1. Yes the use of stl is allowed.


P.S Questions are asked from dynamic programming as well. Expect at least 1 question from dynamic programming.


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