Master's in Computer Science (IISc/Top 5 IIT's)


Before Starting this discussion let's first understand the different streams in Computer Science

A. Theoretical Computer Science
Core Topics: Logic, Proofs, Counting, Set Theory, Number theory, Complexity Theory, Graph Theory, Theory Of Computation, Data Structure And Algorithms, Design and analysis of algorithms, Cryptography

B. Computer Systems
Core Topics: Digital Logic, Computer Organization and Architecture, Operating System, Database Management Systems, Compilers, Computer Networks & Security, Object Oriented Design.

C. Intelligent Systems
Core Topics: Mathematical Background ( Probability Theory, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Discreet Mathematics), AI/ML (NLP, Speech, Text, Representation, Learning, Agents), Visual Computing

Available Programs
A. MTech (Regular) in Computer Science and Engineering
1. Admission Procedure: Directly on Basis of GATE CS&IT score

2. Program Duration: 2 years(4 semesters )(Fixed)

3. Program Structure: In total you are required to take 9-11 courses (Depending on the institute) across all three streams in Computer Science. Typically the initial two semesters will be entirely focused on coursework. At the end of  2nd semester you'll have to finalize your MTech thesis Domain, Approach the faculty which is pursuing research in that domain and work on your Masters Thesis for approximately a year. You will be assisting the faculty or his PhD's with some ongoing Research Project/Problem.

B. MTech / MS by Research in Computer Science
1. Admission Procedure: GATE CS&IT score + Written Test/ Interview/ Both
          The admission process for this program differs significantly from the MTech(Regular) program. Primary Shortlisting will be done on the basis of GATE CS score. You'll have to appear for the written Test/Interview/Both  in 1 of the 3 afformentioned streams of computer Science.

2. Program Duration: 2 - 3 years, Avg: 2.5 years (5-6 semesters)

3. Program Structure: Your stream is Decided at the time of your admission. In Total you are required to take 4-5 courses in that stream. Along with 1-2 RnD courses. You are required to approach a faculty in 1st semester itself. You'll start working on your Masters Thesis right from your 1st semester. Completion of your masters Degree will be subjected to the Acceptance of your Master's Thesis. Typically you are expected to publish (1-2 Research Papers in Flagship Conferences/Journals).

Comparative analysis of MTech (Regular) and MTech/MS by Research.

    From this point onwards I'll be addressing MTech(Regular) as coursework Program and MS/MTech by Research as Research Program.

Which course to join?
    This is a purely Subjective question. A candidate May choose either based on what they want out of their Masters Experience. Both Coursework and Research Programs have their pros and cons. I've compared the two programs across a few key metrics. 

A. Program Duration.
    Coursework Programs have fixed duration because as part of your master's thesis you will be assisting some faculty or his PhD students in their research work, you will be given Programming Tasks related to some ongoing Research Problem/Project , You are not expected to pursue your own research because typically in 3rd semester you will be occupied with your placement preparation so you will get approximately 1.5  semesters (1/2 of 3rd sem and entire 4th sem) to dedicatedly work on your thesis. Which in most cases, is not enough for getting a significant breakthrough in a research problem.

    Research programs are subject to acceptance of your Masters Thesis hence the duration might vary based on your work ethic, your relationship with your Thesis Guide as well as the domain in which you are pursuing research. MS/MTech by Research programs are often called a "Mini PhD" because they are quite alike in their structure. Typically It takes 2.5-3 years to graduate , exceptional candidates with prior background in research can Graduate as early as 1.5 years.

B. Exploring different Streams in computer Science
    Coursework Programs allow you to take courses across all three streams of computer science. And based on your interests you can pursue your Masters Thesis in any domain across these three streams. Whereas in a research program you will be restricted to take courses within the stream of your choosing at the time of Interview. If you have not pre decided which stream you will pursue further after your masters and you want to further explore all the different areas of Computer Science, you should not Opt for research programs.
    In summary, Coursework programs are breadth oriented whereas research programs are depth oriented.

C. Industry Jobs right after Masters
    In terms of Industry jobs right after your masters, Coursework programs offer you a broad range of options based on the Domain you choose to specialize during your Program. For example typical Engineering roles offered to an MTech(Regular) graduate are Software Engineer, AI/ML engineer, Member of Technical Staff, Data and Applied Scientist etc.
    Whereas, if you graduate from a research program you will be typically restricted to the roles which are related to your masters thesis. The roles which are offered to an MS/MTech Research Graduate are Research Scientist, Research engineer, or very specific engineering roles, for example compiler Engineer, Graph Engineer Etc.

D. Scope for Pursuing PhD
    You can convert your MS/MTech by  Research into a PhD, In that case the work you did during your Research Program will count towards completion of your PhD.
    If you decide to apply for a PhD after completion of your masters, Research Programs will give you a significant Edge over Coursework programs since you get more exposure to research during your masters.

About Me,
    I am Digvijay Patil. I will be starting my MS by Research at the Department of CSE, IIT Bombay with specialization in Computer Systems in July 2024. I had also received offers from  IIT Kanpur and IIT Kharagpur for MTech ( Regular) Program in Computer Science and engineering.

    For any Feedback/assistance feel free to drop me a mail at [email protected] 

    Connect with me on LinkedIn


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posted Jun 5