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3 Answers

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lets first find the graph for $y = |x+2| \ – \ |x-1|$ and then we will just take absolute value of y i.e make all the negative y’s positive and get our answer
$$y = |x+2| \ – \ |x-1|$$ has critical points $-2,1$

for $$x\gt1 \rightarrow (x+2)-(x-1) = +3$$ $$(x\gt-2) \ \ \& (x \le 1) \rightarrow (x+2)-(-(x-1)) = 2x+1$$

$$x\le-2 \rightarrow -(x+2)-(x-1) = -3$$

now plotting the graph after getting the equations for $y = |x+2| \ – \ |x-1|$

now just take the mod and negative part will invert to positive

hence the answer is P

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  1. Figure P depicts the correct graph. The critical points are -2 and 1.  So, we have three cases:
    1. x < -2 in which both (x+2) and (x-1) are negative. So after solving you will get 3.
    2. -2 <= x < 1 in which (x+2) is positive but (x-1) is negative. So, after solving you will get |2x+1|.
    3. x >= 1 in which both are positive and you will get 3 again.
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Or also you can do option elimination by putting different value of X in f(x). 

so option is B can never be answer because f(x) is in mod so value of f(x) can never be negative which is shown in option B.

now Option A, C, D remaing for them just put value of X = -4 in f(x) and we get answer as 3 which shown only in Option A so that option A is answer other answer become eliminated.


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