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The circuit shown below is designed using two multiplexers.

This circuit is equivalent to:

  1. a positive edge triggered $\mathrm{T}$ flip flop
  2. a negative edge triggered $\mathrm{T}$ flip flop
  3. a negative edge triggered $\text{D}$ flip flop
  4. a positive edge triggered $\mathrm{D}$ flip flop
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2 Answers

6 votes
6 votes

Answer : D ( +ve Triggered D – FF)

(Note: it should be done by analyzing all inputs and seeing how is it working, i.e., writing all input cases and Clock cases in a table, but as the paper is lengthy such a short analysis is not bad.)

The number of inputs for the circuit = 1

(observe it is not a combinational circuit rather it is a sequential circuit since it depends on the previous state of the circuit)

and by seeing options, the circuit should be one of $T - FF$ or $D - FF$, either $+ve$ or $-ve$ $ Edged $.

so we should see how it behaves for the input on the $+ve$ edge of the clock and the $-ve$ edge of the clock. 

        If it $Toggles$ the input provided in one of the {$+ve$ / $-ve$} edges,                then it is $T-FF$

        else if it $Latches$ the input provided in one of the {$+ve$ / $-ve$} edges,       then it is $D-FF$.

        else if it $Latches$ or $Toggles$ on provided input for both, then it is neither $D - FF$ nor $T - FF$.

        (since there is no option, we can assume it's not and the circuit is one of T or D for sure)

let's mark the circuit for checkpoints as 

    $i$ as input,  

    $Q_{1}$ for the output of the first MUX and 

    $Q_{0}$ for the output of the second MUX (left to right as shown in the image below)

the equations of MUX outputs are as follows :

$Q_{1}^{+}$ = $CLK . Q_{1} + \overline{CLK} . i $ 

$Q_{0}^{+}$ = $CLK . Q_{1} + \overline{CLK} . Q_{0} $ 

checking for 2 cases of the clock:

(refer to the diagram/image provided for a better explanation)

Case 1: Clock goes from 0 -> 1 (+ve edge)

    when the Clock is 0 :                               input $i$ will be in $Q_{1}$

    after the clock transitioned to 1 :          input $i$ will be moved to $Q_{0}$ ( which is the output)

Case 2: Clock goes from 1 -> 0 (-ve edge)

    when the Clock is 1 :                               input $i$ will not be selected in to $Q_{1}$ (it has previous Q_{1} only, not input)

    after the clock transitioned to 0:           input $i$ will be moved to $Q_{1}$ ( not the output ) 

Image :


    we can observe that the input $i$ is in the output only when the clock is transitioned in $+ve$ edge and it doesn't toggle the input rather it latches it,

Hence we can conclude it as an $Positive$$-Edge$ $Triggered$ $D -$ $FlipFlop$ (option D)

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3 votes

PS: By MUX 2 I mean left most mux and by MUX 1 I mean right most one.

Please find the explanation above.

Hope , this helps.


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