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2 Answers

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2 votes

By linear dependency (R1 + R2 → R3) or solving simply, we have |M| = 0

We know |A+B| <= |A| + |B|

$\therefore$ |M+ 12M| <= |M2| + |12M|

RHS of which is : 

|M|2 + 123|M| (By properties of determinants)

= 0 + 0 = 0

0 votes
0 votes
Det(M^2 + 12M) = Det(M) Det(M + 12I)(since Det(AB) = DET(A) DET(B)))

DET(M) = 0 { since rows are Linearly dependent}
hence Det(M^2 + 12M) = 0

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