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40 votes
40 votes

For the composition table of a cyclic group shown below:
$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf{*} & \textbf{a}& \textbf{b} &\textbf{c} & \textbf{d}\\\hline \textbf{a} & \text{a}& \text{b} & \text{c} & \text{d} \\\hline \textbf{b} & \text{b}& \text{a} & \text{d} &\text{c}\\\hline \textbf{c} & \text{c}& \text{d} & \text{b} & \text{a}\\\hline \textbf{d} & \text{d}& \text{c} & \text{a} & \text{b} \\\hline \end{array}$$
Which one of the following choices is correct?

  1. $a,b$ are generators
  2. $b,c$ are generators
  3. $c,d$ are generators
  4. $d,a$ are generators
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9 Answers

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Check for all:-
a^1 = a ,
a^2 = a * a = a
a^3 = a^2 * a = a * a = a
a is not the generator since we are not able to express
other members of the group in powers of a

Check for c -
c^1 = c
c^2 = c * c = b
c^3 = c^2 * c = b * c = d
c^4 = c^2 * c^2 = b * b = a
We are able to generate all the members of the group from c ,
Hence c is the generator

Similarly check for d

d^1 = d
d^2 = d * d= b
d^3 = d^2 * d = b * d = c
d^4 = d^2 * d^2 = b * b = a

Option (C) is correct.


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