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IEEE 754 32 bit representation for reference:-

1. For the demoralized numbers,why the exponent is -126 and not -127? For 0 we say it is Mantissa=0 and B.E=0,

so we get 0*2^0-127=0,but for any number that is having bias exponent as 0 and Mantissa non zero,why it will have exponent as -126 and not -127. Say if i want to represent 0.0000001..........*2^-127,then is it going out of range?

Is there default to use -126 or some logic behind this that i am missing?

2. Does special value cases (where BE=0 and BE=255,then Actual exponent becomes -127 and +128) comes under overflow and underflow condition.I mean if i am 0 or infinity or NAN then can i say that system is overflow/underflow?

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