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1 Answer

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3 votes
See in the question they have asked for number of strings of length at least 3


Consecutive a's >=3  in the strings

Case 1: consecutive a's= 3 (aaa)

We have 5 possible alphabets A, B, C, D, E

so  to choose 3 consecutive places out of 6 we have 4 possible ways

case 1.1  _ _ _| _ _ _

Total 1*1*1*4*5*5 =100   strings we place consecutive a's  1,2 3 positions

case 1.2  _| _ _ _ |_ _

Total 4*1*1*1*4*5 = 80  strings if we place consecutive a's on 2,3,4 position

Case 1.3 _ _| _ _ _ |_

Total 5*4*1*1*1*4 = 80strings If we place consecutive a's in 3,4,5, position

case 1.4 _ _ _| _ _ _|

Total 5*5*4*1*1*1 = 100 strings  if we place a's on 4,5,6 position

Finally for case 1 we get 100+80+80+100= 360 strings

Now let's count  similarly for  other cases

case 2: consecutive a's= 4 (aaaa)

Now if we choose 4 consecutive positions out if 6 we get  3 possible  ways

case 2.1 _ _ _ _ _ |_  

Total 1*1*1*1*4 *5= 20 strings if we place a at 1,2,3,4, position

case 2.2 _ |_ _ _ _ |_

Total 4*1*1*1*1*4= 16 strings if we place a at 2,3,4,5 position

case 2.3 _ _ |_  _ _  _|

Total 5*4*1*1*1*1= 20 strings if we place a at 3,4,5,6 position

From case 2 we get 20+16+20= 56 strings

Case 3 : for 5 consecutive a's (aaaaa)

if we choose 5 consecutive position out of 6 we can do this in 2 ways

Case 3.1 _ _ _ _ _ |_

Total 1*1*1*1*1*4= 4 strings we get if we place a's on position 1,2,3,4,5

Case 3.2 _ l_ _ _ _ _|

Total 4*1*1*1*1 strings we get if we place a's on position 2,3,4,5,6

From case 3 we get total 2*4= 8 strings

Case 4: we have all 6 a's at all 6 position we can do this in only 1 way (aaaaaa)

1*1*1*1*1*1= 1 strings

In total if count strings all from case 1,case 2,case3 and case 4 we gate

360+56+8+1= 425 strings total which  are of length 6 ans contain at least 3 consecutive a's

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1 answers
4 votes
sumit goyal 1 asked Jan 12, 2018
solution : Let , , K = string with 4 consecutive A of length 6 => 4*1*1*1*1*4 + 4*4*1*1*1*1 + 1*1*1*1*4*4 + 1*4* ... is there any other approach because if question is like : 2 consecutive a then making cases will become tedious
1 answers
6 votes
Sahil Gupta asked Nov 23, 2014
Hi Answer to each option is given as:a) 122,523,030b) 72,930,375c) 223,149,655d) 100,626,625And I used the following approach to each option but answers don't match.a) C(5,1)*C(21, ... *C(21,3)+C(5,4)*C(21,2)+C(5,5)*C(21,1)]*6!Please check.