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27 votes
27 votes

Recursive languages are:

  1. A proper superset of context free languages.
  2. Always recognizable by pushdown automata.
  3. Also called type $0$ languages.
  4. Recognizable by Turing machines.
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2 Answers

Best answer
25 votes
25 votes
  1. A proper superset of context free languages. TRUE Since there are languages which are not CFL still Recursive
  2. Always recognizable by pushdown automata. FALSE
  3. Also called type $0$ languages. FALSE Recursively Enumerable languages are actually type-$0$ languages.
  4. Recognizable by Turing machines TRUE 
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A. All CFLs are Recursive Hence Not a Proper Superset.

B. Push Down Automata Cannot Recognize Recursive Languages.

Option C is Right 

Recursive Language is a Proper subset of Recursively Enumerable Languages.

Hence Recursive Languages are also called as Type 0.

D. Recursive Languages are Recognizable by Turing Machine ( By Halting Turing Machine.)

So Answer is: C & D


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