Hi All,

I am one of the 13 fortunate candidates who got shortlisted for BARC OCES 2024. This year the cut off was 107 and I scored 144 in the written test. 153 candidates were shortlisted for interview out of which 13 were finally selected. Here's how it went


To all the future aspirants, my suggestion would be to cross check each and every document that you are carrying and make sure to carry the original and xerox copies of all the 8 semester's marksheets, certificates and Application form. The people in BARC are very helpful. They will help you in every possible way but just be double sure from your end.

Interview :

My interview was just after the lunch. There were 6 members. They asked me to sit. They asked me some HR questions as I had 2+ years of work experience. So they asked me about my job responsibilities. If anyone is working in corporate sector then I would suggest to be prepared for some HR questions related to your job

Then they asked me to go to he board and write down 5 subjects so I wrote : (DS,Algorithms,TOC,DBMS,OS) then they asked me for one programming language and I told them C. I don't remember all the questions but some of them are as follows:


1. What is difference between tree and graph

2. Is tree directed or undirected

3. Different traversals in tree and graph

4. Which DS BFS uses? How it is implemented. 

5. How circular queue is implemented? How can you detect loop in circular queue and many more confusing questions around that


1.What is stdio.h ? What error will we get if we don't use it.

2.How to reverse a string (iterative and recursive)

3.Diff between undeclared and undefined

4.Many questions regarding sizeof() operator


1.What is OS ? What is synchronization?

2.What is shared memory and where will you define shared variable

3.How can 2 process access shared variable and some questions regarding its implementation


1.What is TOC and its need ? What is halting problem of TM

Some problems they gave me and asked if they belong to Halting problem. 

How to access floating point and represent +/- infinity and NAN in floating point represenatation

Then my interview concluded and I greeted them and came out. At last around after 1 hr 10 minutes my Interview was over.

There were instances where I kept trying and said I will try and they laughed and finally said that we are satisfied. These were some things because of which I had some hope of getting selected

I would say to all the future aspirants firstly don't be nervous. Have an attitude that whatever happens I will try my best. Secondly have a thorough knowledge of your 5 subjects and go as much deep as you can. When you are reading a topic ask yourself Why is this needed and Can I do it in this way only or is there any other way of doing this. Ask yourself why and then find the How.

I wish all those who are reading this all the best and may you all succeed in your endeavors

posted 5 days ago