Highest voted questions in Discrete Mathematics

76 votes
5 answers
Which of the following graphs has an Eulerian circuit?Any $k$-regular graph where $k$ is an even number.A complete graph on $90$ vertices.The complement of a cycle on $25...
73 votes
6 answers
What is the largest integer $m$ such that every simple connected graph with $n$ vertices and $n$ edges contains at least $m$ different spanning trees ?$1$$2$$3$$n$
71 votes
5 answers
Let $\text{fsa}$ and $\text{pda}$ be two predicates such that $\text{fsa}(x)$ means $x$ is a finite state automaton and $\text{pda}(y)$ means that $y$ is a pushdown autom...
68 votes
9 answers
67 votes
10 answers
65 votes
16 answers
The number of $4$ digit numbers having their digits in non-decreasing order (from left to right) constructed by using the digits belonging to the set $\{1, 2, 3\}$ is ___...
65 votes
9 answers
A graph $G=(V,E)$ satisfies $\mid E \mid \leq 3 \mid V \mid - 6$. The min-degree of $G$ is defined as $\min_{v\in V}\left\{ \text{degree }(v)\right \}$. Therefore, min-d...