3 votes
1 answer
11 votes
4 answers
Which of the following statements produce a compile time error in C?int a = sizeof 3;*(1000) = 5;int a = 5; ((int)a)++;int b = 5, *a = &b; ((int*)a)++;1, 2 and 32 only2, ...
5 votes
4 answers
What will be returned by the following function foo when called as foo(10)?int foo(int n) { return n & n | 1; }
7 votes
2 answers
What will be the outout of the following code?#include <stdio.h int main() { int a = 1, b = 2; int c = a++ || b++; printf("%d %d %d", a, b, c); }1 2 12 3 12 2 12 2 0
6 votes
2 answers
What is the output of this program?#include <stdio.h int main() { char *ptr; char string[] = "Hello 2017"; ptr = string; ptr += 4; printf("%s",++ptr); }Hello 2017ello 201...
9 votes
2 answers
7 votes
3 answers
10 votes
3 answers
10 votes
7 answers
What will be the output of the following code?#include <stdio.h #include <string.h int main() { char string[] = "Hello"; if(sizeof(string) <= strlen(string)) printf("1");...
4 votes
1 answer
In a Network where bytes are continuously being transferred, it is required to identify the most frequently transferred byte. What would be an appropriate data structure ...
2 votes
2 answers
What would be an appropraite data structure to represent family hierarchy where each node is an individual and there in no requirement to keep "married to" relationship?B...
0 votes
3 answers
Consider a complete graph of 10 vertices. The minimum no. of edge removals required to make the graph disconnected is ______