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57 votes
57 votes

Consider the following grammar:

  • stmt $\rightarrow$ if expr then expr else expr; stmt | $Ò$
  • expr $\rightarrow$ term relop term | term
  • term $\rightarrow$ id | number
  • id $\rightarrow$ a | b | c
  • number $\rightarrow [0-9]$ 

where relop is a relational operator $($e.g., $< , >,\ldots),$ $Ò$ refers to the empty statement, and if, then, else are terminals. 
Consider a program $P$ following the above grammar containing ten if terminals. The number of control flow paths in $P$ is________ . For example. the program 
if $e_1$ then $e_2$ else $e_3$ 
has $2$ control flow paths. $e_1 \rightarrow e_2$ and $e_1 \rightarrow e_3$. 

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11 Answers

Best answer
94 votes
94 votes

This question is picked from area of Counting in Combinatorics.

if $e_1$ then $e_2$ else $e_3$ has $2$ control flow paths $e_1 \rightarrow e_2$ and $e_1 \rightarrow e_3$.
(Meaning of "how many control flow" for if structure is clearly mentioned)

What is asked:
Number of control flow paths for $10$ if terminals?

To get $10$ if's we need to use grammar to get,
         if <expr> then <expr> else <expr> ; stmt
         if <expr> then <expr> else <expr> ; if <expr> then <expr> else <expr> ; stmt
         (keep doing it $10$ times to get $10$ if's)
Observe that there is a semi-colon after every if structure.

We know that every if structure has $2$ control flows as given in question. Hence,
        We have $2$ control flow choices for $1$st if terminal.
        We have $2$ control flow choices for $2$nd if terminal.
        We have $2$ control flow choices for $10$th if terminal.
By using multiplicative law of counting we get,
        Total choices as $2*2*2*2*2$......$10$ times $= 2^{10} = 1024$

Once again, one need not know "what control flow" is, but needs to know "how many control flows" are in if structure which is given in question.

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46 votes
46 votes
I will take a small example to make it clear.

Taking 2 if terminals

If expr then e1 else e2;

If expr then e3 else e4;

So there can be 4 control flow paths.

e1 e3

e1  e4

e2  e3

e2  e4

Now u can consider  10 if terminals.

The total control flow paths=2^10=1024.
31 votes
31 votes

A control flow path/control flow graph is a graphical representation of all paths that might be traversed through a program during its execution.

Now each $if$ statement has 2 outcomes ~ either true or false.

As per the grammar each if statement is independent of the other.

Consider 3 if statements

if e1 then e2 $(T)$ else e3 $(F)$;

if e4 then e5 $(T)$ else e6 $(F)$;

if e7 then e8 $(T)$ else e9 $(F)$;

Now following are the paths the program goes through during its execution :

$1. \ TTT$

$2. \ TTF$

$3. \ TFT$

$4. \ TFF$

$5. \ FTT$

$6. \ FTF$

$7. \ FFT$

$8. \ FFF$

So for $n = 3$ we have $2^{3} = 8$ control flow paths, hence for $n = 10$ we will have total $2^{10} = 1024$ control flow paths.

18 votes
18 votes

each if-else condition leads to two different paths, there are 10 if-else conditions one after the other, therefore totally 210  = 1024 paths possible


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