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A detective has interviewed four witnesses to a crime. From the stories of the witnesses the detective has concluded that if the butler is telling the truth then so is the cook; the cook and the gardener cannot both be telling the truth; the gardener and the handyman are not both lying; and if the handyman is telling the truth then the cook is lying. For each of the four persons can the detective determine whether that person is telling the truth or lying ? Explain your reasoning.
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2 Answers

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Figured out the answer myself.

I will use B,C,G,H

The problem says (~B + C).(~C + ~G).(G + H).(~H + ~C) using + for OR and . for AND

Taking B to be true we get :

C.(~C + ~G).(G + H).(~H + ~C) which gives C.~G.(G + H).~H which is a contradiction. So B is false. Taking B to be false the main problem reduces to :

(~C + ~G).(G + H).(~H + ~C)

Now let us take C to be true. Taking C to be true will give ~G.(G + H).~H which is a contradiction. So C has to be false.

At the end we are left with (G + H). So we cannot say whether handyman or gardener or both are telling the truth.
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P1: Butler is telling truth
P2: Cook is telling truth
P3: Gardener is telling truth
P4: HandyMan is telling the truth

  • if the butler is telling the truth then so is the cook;
    • P1 => P2 i.e ~P1 or P2 is true -(1)
  •  the cook and the gardener cannot both be telling the truth;
    • ~(P2.P3)-(2)
  • the gardener and the handyman are not both lying;
    • P3 or P4 is true - (3)
  •  if the handyman is telling the truth then the cook is lying
    • P4 => ~P2 i.e ~p4 or ~p2 is true i.e ~(P4.P2) is true - (4)

When P1 is true:
- P2 must be true (By 1) -(5)
- P3 must be false (By 2) -(6)
- P4 must be false (By 4 and 5)
When P1 is false
- P2 can be true or false (By 1)

  •  P1 is false P2 is true
    • P3 must be false - (By 2)
    • P4 must be false - (By 4)
    • But this means p3 or p4 is false. This will contradict (3). So this is not possible.
  •  P1 is false P2 is false.
    • P3 or P4 must be true. (P3,P4 = TT,TF,FT)

So there are the following possible solutions
P1,P2,P3,P4 = {T,T,F,F} and {F,F,T,F}, {F,F,T,T}, {F,F,F,T}

Hence we can't uniquely determine the values of P1,P2,P3,P4

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