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Solved by using very intuitive formula :

$ \left \lfloor \frac{b}{n} \right \rfloor-\left \lfloor \frac{a-1}{n} \right \rfloor$

a & b are inclusive by default 


(A) a=50, b=100, n=7

(B) a=50, b=100, n=11

(C) a=50, b=100, n=77(l.c.m of 7 & 11)


Please don't worry 

If you're not getting this formula as of now. I've attached the detailed solution for this question in which intuition behind this formula mentioned in a  pictorial way. I’m sure you'll definitely get this after going through the entire solution.

Please don't by heart this formula 

For writing this formula, you just to need to have  the idea of Complement Rule. That's it:)


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A. are divisible by 7 ? Which integers are these?

    Since it is between 50 and 100 only, i go by 7 multiple i.e.,

    7 x 8 =56

    7x 9 = 63

    7 x 10 = 70

    7 x 11 = 77

    7x 12  = 84

    7 x 13 = 91

    7 x 14 = 98.

   Therefore, the answer is 7 integers and they are 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91 and 98.

B.are divisible by 11? Which integers are these?

 Now go for 11 multiple i.e., 

11 x 5 = 55

11 x 6 = 66

11 x 7 = 77

11 x 8 = 88

11 x 9 = 99

 Therefore, the answer is 5 integers and they are 55, 66, 77, 88, 99.

C.are divisible by both 7 and 11? Which integers are these?

Now check the intersection of divisible by 7 and divisible by 11, we can find one integer which is common i.e., 77.

 Therefore, the answer is 1 and the integer is 77.








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