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6 Answers

8 votes
8 votes
fixed partition suffers from external and internal fragmentation both if memory is not continous and variable partition suffers from only external fragmentation
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4 votes

Internal fragmentation happens when the space allocated to a requesting process is larger than what is required. This happens in the case of fixed partitioning since the partition sizes are not always same as that requested. 

External fragmentation arises when free memory is separated into small blocks and is interspersed by allocated memory. The result is that, although free storage is available, it is effectively unusable because it is divided into pieces that are too small individually to satisfy the demands of the application. The term "external" refers to the fact that the unusable storage is outside the allocated regions. In case of fixed partitioning, the unusable storage present inside the allocated region cannot be claimed to be external fragmentation. But when there are free partitions formed as a result of freeing up space then there can be external fragmentation. To illustrate this consider three free memory partitions of size 10KB in main memory. A memory request for 10KB  fills up the middle partition. Now a request for 20KB would be declined since, we do not have 20KB that can be allocated contiguously even though the space is available as a whole.

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2 votes
2 votes
NO, it may suffers from INTERNAL FRAGMENTATION bt no EXTERNAL FRAGMENTATION in fixed size partitioning.

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