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9 votes
9 votes

Let $P,S,R$ be three statements(propositions). Let $S$ be a sufficient condition for $P$, Let $R$ is a necessary condition for $P$ then which of the following is/are true?

  1. $S$ is a sufficient condition for $R$.
  2. $S$ is a necessary condition for $R$.
  3. $S$ is neither sufficient, nor a necessary condition for $R.$
  4. $S$ is a sufficient and necessary condition for $R$.
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5 Answers

12 votes
12 votes

$S$ is the sufficient condition for $P$ which mean if $S$ happens then $P$ will happen .In other words,$S→ P$
$R$ is a necessary condition for $P$ which means if $R$ doesn’t happen then $P$ doesn’t happen.This statement we can write as if $P$ happens then $R$ will happen OR $P→ R$

The two expressions we have are :

  • S→ P
  • P→ R

Now using the transitivity we can say $S→ P→ R$  $\Rightarrow$ $S→ R$

From this expression we can claim that S is the sufficient condition for R to happen and R is the necessary condition for S to happen 
Correct answer will be only option A.

7 votes
7 votes
$S$ is a sufficient condition for $P$, and $R$ is a necessary condition for $P$.
So, whenever $S$ is true, then $P$ is true. And whenever $P$ is true then $R$ is true. So, whenever $S$ is true, then $R$ is true(because when $S$ becomes true, then $P$ becomes true, then $R$ becomes true because $P$ has become true).
So, $S$ implies $R$. So, $S$ is a sufficient condition for $R$.
So, Whenever $S$ is true, $R$ is True.
So, sufficient condition for $P$ implies necessary condition for $P$.
6 votes
6 votes

If $S → P$ and $P → R$ , then $S → R$.

This is called transitivity property or hypothetical syllogism. 

If $S → R$ then $S$ is a sufficient condition of $R$ and $R$ is a necessary condition for $S$.

Therefore $S$ is sufficient condition for $R$.

Answer $A$.

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1 votes
1 votes
according to statement



then , s->p->R

so  option A is correct .

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