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31 votes

An instruction set of a processor has $125$ signals which can be divided into $5$ groups of mutually exclusive signals as follows:

Group $1$ $:$ $20$ signals, Group $2$ $:$ $70$ signals, Group $3$ $:$ $2$ signals, Group $4$ $:$ $10$ signals, Group $5$ $:$ $23$ signals.

How many bits of the control words can be saved by using vertical microprogramming over horizontal microprogramming?

  1. $0$
  2. $103$
  3. $22$
  4. $55$
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2 Answers

Best answer
49 votes
49 votes

In horizontal microprogramming we need $1$ bit for every control word, therefore total bits in

Horizontal Microprogramming $=20+70+2+10+23=125$

Now lets consider vertical microprogramming, In vertical microprogramming we use Decoder $\text{(n to$\ 2^n$)}$ and output lines are equal to number of control words. A input is given according to what control word we have to select.

Now in this question these $5$ groups contains mutually exclusive signals, i.e, they can be activated one at a time for a given group, we can safely use decoder.

$\text{group }1=\lceil \log_{2} 20\rceil=5$ (Number of input bits for decoder, given output
is number of control word in given group)

$\text{group }2=\lceil \log_{2} 70\rceil=7$

$\text{group }3=\lceil \log_{2} 2\rceil=1$

$\text{group }4=\lceil \log_{2} 10\rceil=4$

$\text{group }5=\lceil \log_{2} 23\rceil=5$

Total bits required in vertical microprogramming $= 5+7+1+4+5=22$

So number of control words saved $=125-22=103$

Hence, (B) is answer.

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  1. Bits needed for horizontal microprogramming:

    • Each signal needs a dedicated bit, so 125 signals require 125 bits.
  2. Bits needed for vertical microprogramming:

    • Only one bit is needed to select a group, and then a separate field within the control word specifies the signal within that group.
    • 5 bits to select a group (log2(5) = 2.32, but we need at least 3 bits to represent 5 groups)
    • 20 bits for Group 1 (log2(20) = 4.32, so 5 bits)
    • 7 bits for Group 2 (log2(70) = 6.13, so 7 bits)
    • 1 bit for Group 3 (log2(2) = 1)
    • 4 bits for Group 4 (log2(10) = 3.32, so 4 bits)
    • 5 bits for Group 5 (log2(23) = 4.52, so 5 bits)
    • Total bits: 5 + 5 + 7 + 1 + 4 + 5 = 27 bits
  3. Bits saved:

    • 125 bits (horizontal) - 27 bits (vertical) = 103 bits

Therefore, using vertical microprogramming saves 103 bits of control words compared to horizontal microprogramming in this case.


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