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A RISC machine has a clock period of 50ns. 20% of its commands are LOAD and STORE commands. On average, 50% NO-OP instructions and 50% useful instructions are placed in the delay slots of these instructions. In the new model of the machine that is released on the market, the period has been reduced to 45ns. However, the cost of this reduction is that two more delay slots are needed for each memory instruction, and only 20% of all delay slots are filled with useful instructions. Which machine is faster and by how much?

1 Answer

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Question does not include the number of delay slots..
lets say in Machine 1 [M1], delay slots = x.


$ET_1 = [1+0.2*0.5*x]*50 = [1+0.01*x]*50 $

$ET_2 = [1+0.2*0.8*(x+2)]*45 = [1+0.16*(x+2)]*45$

 for x = 1

$ET_1 = 1.01 * 50 = 50 ns$

$ET_2 = 1.48 * 45 = 66.6 ns$

Machine 1 is faster. But, it should be mentioned what is the original number of delay slots.

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