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6 votes
Number of states in DFA which accepts the binary strings divisible by 4 or 5.

4 Answers

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12 votes

Divisible By 4

Divisible By 5

Now,use Cross product along with Union. DFA which accepts the binary strings divisible by 4 or 5 

This is very confusing DFA, but that's it . 13 states with 5 Final states.

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3 votes

I think, It is 20 states. 

If anyone finds optimized DFA with less than 20 states, please let us know. 

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Let me know if I'm wrong 

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It will take 20 states.

 using cross product method we can implement AND and OR operations


Divisible by 4 ={q0,q1,q2,q3} q3 final state

Divisible by 5 ={w0,w1,w2,w3,w4} w4 final state


4x5 ={q0w0,q0w1,.....q3w3}

20 states.

To implement OR we need to make final states of all the states which have either q3 or w4 in them.

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