Recent activity by Swati Tandel

4 answers
In a fully connected mesh network with 10 computers, total ___ number of cables are required and ____ number od ports are required for each device40, 945, 1045, 950, 10
2 answers
The content of the accumulator after the execution of the following 8085 assembly language program, is: MVI A, 42H MVI B, 05hUGC:ADD B DCR B JNZ UGC ADI 25H HLT82 H78 H76...
5 answers
How many check bits are required for $16$ bit data word to detect $2$ bit errors and single bit correction using hamming code?$5$$6$$7$$8$
10 answers
Suppose two jobs, each of which needs $10$ minutes of CPU time, start simultaneously. Assume $50\%$ I/O wait time. How long will it take for both to complete, if they run...
2 answers
Let $A(1:8, -5:5, -10:5)$ be a three dimensional array. How many elements are there in the array $A$?$1200$$1408$$33$$1050$
2 answers
The data blocks of a very large file in the Unix file system are allocated usingcontinuous allocationlinked allocationindexed allocationan extension of indexed allocation...
2 answers
void swap(float* A1, float* A2) { float temp; if (*A1 = = *A2) return; temp = *A1; *A1 = *A2; *A2 = temp; return; }The program effort for the above module using Halstead'...
1 answer
GIven a relation instanceXYZ28421062126644which of the following FDs is satisfied by relationA)XY → Z, Z → YB)YZ → X, Y → ZC)YZ → X, X → ZD)XZ → Y, Y → X...