Recent activity by keshore muralidharan

3 answers
A probability density function on the interval $[a, 1]$ is given by $1/x^{2}$ and outside this interval the value of the function is zero. The value of $a$ is _________.
6 answers
Let $G$ be the graph with $100$ vertices numbered $1$ to $100$. Two vertices $i$ and $j$ are adjacent if $\vert i-j \vert =8$ or $\vert i-j \vert=12$. The number of con...
2 answers
What is the number of vertices in an undirected connected graph with $27$ edges, $6$ vertices of degree $2, 3$ vertices of degree $4$ and remaining of degree $3$?$10$$11$...
11 answers
What is the chromatic number of an $n$ vertex simple connected graph which does not contain any odd length cycle? Assume $n 2$.$2$$3$$n-1$ $n$
7 answers
Match the algorithms with their time complexities:$$\begin{array}{|l|l|}\hline \textbf{Algorithms} & \textbf{Time Complexity} \\\hline \text{P. Tower of Hanoi with $n$...
8 answers