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Consider the following Micro-operations:

$\begin{array}{|l|l|} \hline \text{MAR} & \leftarrow IR \text{[address]} \\ \hline \text{MBR} & \leftarrow \text{Memory} \\ \hline IR \text{[address]} & \leftarrow \text{MBR[address]} \\ \hline \end{array}$

  • $IR \text{ [ address]} =$ The address field of the instruction .
  • $\text{MAR } =$ Memory Address Register
  • $\text{ MBR }=$ Memory Buffer Register

The given micro-operations describes :

  1. Interrupt Cycle
  2. Fetch Cycle
  3. Execute Cycle
  4. Indirect Cycle
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1 Answer

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  • Micro-operation 1 :

1. MAR <-- IR [ address] 

---> The address field of the instruction is transferred to Memory Address Register ( MAR ) , this address field is then used to fetch the address of the operand.

  • Micro-operation 2 :

2. MBR <--- Memory

--> After fetching the memory address, we transferred the contents/value of that address from memory to MBR .

  • Micro-operation 3 :

3. IR [ address ] <-- MBR [ address]

---> The Instruction Register is updated from Memory Buffer Register .  IR is now contain a direct memory address rather than indirect address .

So, these 3 micro operations perform Indirect cycle . Which is option D.

This is not a fetch cycle as in fetch PC is required , neither Interrupt nor execute cycle as there is no instructions like add,sub etc exists ..

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