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I was doing two Questions of rosen counting chapter

Q1. A group contains n mens and n women. How many ways are there to "arrange" these people in a row if the men and women alternate ?

Answer is 2(n!)^2, I agree with logic and answer.


Q2. How many ways are there for eight men and five women to stand in a line so that no two women stand next to each other?

Answer is P(8,8)*P(9,5), I also agree with answer and logic.


My dobut is, The frame of questions are similar but then why can't we solve Q1 with the approach used in Q2 i.e. first permuting n men and then choosing n women places from (n+1) places created my positioning the men and permuting them again i.e P(n,n)*P(n+1,n) ??
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1 Answer

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First, position the $n$ men relative to each other. There are $n!$ ways to do this.
This creates $n+1$ slots where a woman may stand.
We need to choose $n$ places from these $n+1$ slots by considering the condition men and women should alternate.
So the only possible n slots are:

  • In front of the first man, between the fist and second men, ..., between the $n-1$th and $n$th men.
  • between the first and second men, ..., between the $n-1$th and $n$th men, and behind $n$th man.

ie. $2$ ways.
After selecting the slots, we can position the women in $n!$ ways.
$\therefore$ answer is: $n!\cdot 2 \cdot n!$ = $2\cdot {n!}^2$

As you said, we can't use $P(n+1, n)$ since it violates the given condition.

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