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2 Answers

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Euler path and Euler circuit

No, a graph cannot contain Euler path and Euler circuit both.

Because for Euler path the graph must have exactly two vertices having odd degree but for Euler circuit all the vertices in that graph must have even degree.

Hamiltonian Path and Hamiltonian circuit

Yes, a graph can have both hamiltonian path and circuit.

Imagine a triangle ABC.

Then the path ABC is a hamiltonian path and the circuit ABCA is a hamiltonian circuit.

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both option are true.

  • if a graph have euler circuit then it must have euler path . but converse not true.

  • if a graph of all vertex are even degree then euler circuit must exist . and euler path also

  • if a graph have 2 odd degree vertex then there exist a euler path but not euler circuit.

  • Hamiltonian path and Hamiltonian circuit exist in same graph.

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