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41 votes
41 votes
Let the page reference and the working set window be $c\ c\ d\ b\ c\ e\ c\ e\ a\ d\ $ and $4$, respectively. The initial working set at time $t=0$ contains the pages $\{a,d,e\}$, where $a$ was referenced at time $t=0$, $d$ was referenced at time $t=-1$, and $e$ was referenced at time $t=-2$. Determine the total number of page faults and the average number of page frames used by computing the working set at each reference.
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6 Answers

Best answer
62 votes
62 votes

Window size of working set $= 4$

Initial pages in the working set window $=    \{  e, d, a\}$

$$\small \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|}\hline \textbf{Incoming page}  &  \textbf{Time} & \textbf{Working set window} & \textbf{Hit/ Miss} & \textbf{Current window size} \\\hline  c  & 1 &  \{ e, d, a, c\} & \textbf{miss} & 4 \\\hline   c  & 2 &  \{ d, a, c\} & \text{hit} & 3 \\\hline d  & 3 &  \{ a, c,d\} & \text{hit} & 3 \\\hline b & 4 &  \{ c,d,b\} & \textbf{miss} & 3  \\\hline   c  & 5 &  \{ d, b, c\} & \text{hit} & 3 \\\hline e & 6 &  \{ d,b,c,e \} & \textbf{miss} & 4 \\\hline   c  & 7 &  \{ b, c,e\} & \text{hit} & 3 \\\hline   e & 8 &  \{c,e\} & \text{hit} & 2  \\\hline a & 9 &  \{c,e,a \} & \textbf{miss} & 3 \\\hline d & 10 &  \{c,e,a,d \} & \textbf{miss} & 4   \\\hline \end{array}$$

Total number of page faults $=\mathbf{ 5}$.

Average no. of page frames used by window set $= ( 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 4) / 10 = 32/10 = \mathbf{3.2}$

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22 votes
22 votes

average frame requirement$=3.2,$page faults$=5$


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5 votes
5 votes
Average number of page frames => 3.2

Total Page Faults => 5
4 votes
4 votes



According to Operating system concepts ...

Thus after interval of every 4units for each page we will remove it from working set model. If page hit occurs we will update timestamp of that page,hence page which is not referenced after 4unit( in this  case) of time after its previous reference will be removed from working set .


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