Interview Experience for M.Tech. RA C.S.E. in I.I.T. Hyderabad

My interview was in July 2020. Due to pandemic it was taken online on Microsoft Teams. It was taken by two professors in my panel say P1 and P2.

P1: Hello Shivangi. I am Prof Sathya Peri from CSE Dept. Show your ID Card.


P1: Start with your introduction and educational background.


(As i was working for 1 year now in IT sector so he asked)

P1: Why are you interested in M. Tech. ?


P1: As we are short in time so we will ask questions now, just explain the concept and don’t write the code for it.

P2: How can we find the middle element in the linked list in O(N) and only one traversal?

As length of the linked list was not given and only one traversal was in condition so he gave me hint to solve with one slow and one fast pointer…solved at last

P1: How can we print values of a BST in decreasing order?

As Inorder traversal of a BST is ascending order so i initially put that in an array and then reversed the array…but later improved the traversal with modification as we can print like Right, Root and Left and this will give descending order.

P1: Have you heard about the famous 2 SUM problem where a sum is given and we have to find pairs in the array which on addition gives that sum?

I knew the O(N) solution of this using hashmap and told him that…he was impressed with that and later he modified the question for BST and for that the similar concept can be used and i was able to solve that also.

Because of time shortage only these questions were being asked.

Result: Selected for Round 2.

Later they gave us a google meet link where they explained about available projects in M.Tech. RA and gave us a google form to fill with our preference by next day before Round 2 interviews.


Round 2: On Microsoft Teams

Interview was taken in 2 panels and as per my preference, I had to give interview in both the panels.

Panel 1: All professors with interest in ML and AI field were there.

  1. They asked for the introduction first.
  2. Why M. Tech. after job?
  3. Tell in brief about B. Tech. Project.
  4. What languages you know and how much experience in C/C++ coding?
  5. What is your research interest and then I said machine learning and NLP, so hey asked about any courses that I have done and name of classification algorithms.

Panel 2: All Professors with interest in systems were there.

  1. They asked for the introduction first.
  2. As per my preference in Networking project they asked me basic question from computer network like
    1. What do you remember in CN?… I stated with layers in CN.
    2. Which is your favorite layer?… I said Network layer
    3. He asked me about routing algorithms…Distance vector routing and Link state routing.
    4. Which one is better for large network and why?
    5. What is count to infinity problem?
    6. Experience with programming in college and work… I told about working on JAVA in my job…so he asked which packages do I use in java.

Result: Selected for M2Smart Project

posted Aug 16, 2020