10 votes
10 votes
The number of integer-triples $(i,j,k)$ with $1 \leq i,j,k \leq 300$ such that $i+j+k$ is divisible by 3 is________

2 Answers

Best answer
11 votes
11 votes
For $i$ and $j$ we have $300$ combinations each as they can repeat and $(x,y,z)$ and $(y,x,z)$ are different as order inside triplets are to be considered. Now, once we have chosen $x,y,$ $z$ must be chosen so that $x+y+z$ is divisible by 3. From $1-300$, we have 100 multiples of 3. So, we get $300/3 = 100$ choice for $z$ making total no. of triplets $= 300 \times 300 \times 100 = 9 \times 10^6.$
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1 votes
1 votes

@Arjun sir: why is this wrong?

number of numbers (1 to 300) giving remainder 0 when divided by 3 =300/3=100

number of numbers (1 to 300) giving remainder 1 when divided by 3 =300/3=100
number of numbers (1 to 300) giving remainder 2 when divided by 3 =300/3=100

sum of 3 numbers would be divisible by 3 as:
(consider the remainders that each number(i/j/k) produces when divided by 3)


1) 1 1 1 ==>100 * 99 * 98

2) 0 1 2 / 0 2 1 / 1 0 2 / 1 2 0 / 2 0 1 / 2 1 0 ==> 100 * 100 * 100

3) 3 3 3( I mean...0 0 0) ==> 100 * 99 * 98

so totally:
2*100*99*98 + 100*100*100



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