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Assume that execution of 200 instructions on a 6 staged pipeline where the target address is available at 4th stage.Let X be the probability of an instruction not being branch. The value of X such that speedup is atleast 5 is ________ ?



=> I know the normal method i.e.      K stages / (1 + Branch freq * Stall cycles)   =  Speedup             which yields near to exact answer.

=> But I am unable to get the answer by :    ( K stages * instructions ) / [ (K + N - 1) + (freq * stalls) ]        

Method 2) : 6 * 200 / [205 + (1 - X)*3]  

=> 1200 / (208 - 3X) = 5

=> 1200 = 1040 - 15X

=> 15X = - 160              Which is not possible.

Where am I going wrong ??


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2 Answers

Best answer
3 votes
3 votes
Got it! Actually in second method I was directly considering the probability. But, its a percentage of number of instructions which have taken the branch.

So, Y% instructions are branches = branch freq.

Hence,     (200 * 6) / [205 + (Y/100 * 200 * 3)] Which gives Y around 6% and so our required X would be 94% which is 0.94 [to be exact] :)
2 votes
2 votes
Speed up is at least 5.

So , $5 \leqslant \frac{(Non pipelined time )}{ Pipeline time}$

Here , target address is available at the 4th clock cycle. So , if we execute any instruction at the 1st clock cycle , we would need to wait till 4th clock cycle to get the output. So, this is stall. So , stall cycle = (4-1) =3

So ,

$5 \leqslant \frac{(6 )}{(1+stall frequency * stall penalty)}$


Now , here question asks about when not branch.

$5 \leqslant \frac{(6 )}{(1+(1-stall frequency) * stall penalty)}$

$5 \leqslant \frac{(6 )}{(1+(1-X) * 3)}$

so , on solving , x comes 0.933


So , 1-x comes as 0.066. So , not to branch probability 0.07.

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