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The Universal Serial Bus (USB) falls under the category of a system bus rather than a network connection.

A system bus is a communication pathway within a computer system that enables the transfer of data between various components, such as the processor, memory, and peripheral devices. The USB is designed to provide a standardized connection interface for peripherals, including devices like keyboards, mice, printers, storage devices, and more.

USB operates at the hardware level and is primarily used for connecting and communicating between devices within a single computer system. It provides a plug-and-play interface for connecting peripheral devices to a computer, allowing them to be recognized and utilized without the need for additional configuration or specialized network protocols.

On the other hand, a network connection refers to the interconnection of multiple devices over a network, allowing them to communicate and share data over extended distances. Network connections typically involve the use of network protocols, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi, and are used for connecting devices across local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), or the internet.

In summary, while USB enables the connection and communication of peripherals with a computer system, it operates as a system bus, facilitating data transfer within the computer, rather than functioning as a network connection for communication over a network.
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