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46 votes
46 votes

A positive edge-triggered $D$ flip-flop is connected to a positive edge-triggered $JK$ flip-flop as follows. The $Q$ output of the $D$ flip-flop is connected to both the $J$ and $K$ inputs of the $JK$ flip-flop, while the $Q$ output of the $JK$ flip-flop is connected to the input of the $D$ flip-flop. Initially, the output of the $D$ flip-flop is set to logic one and the output of the $JK$ flip-flop is cleared. Which one of the following is the bit sequence (including the initial state) generated at the $Q$ output of the $JK$ flip-flop when the flip-flops are connected to a free-running common clock? Assume that $J = K = 1$ is the toggle mode and $J = K = 0$ is the state holding mode of the $JK$ flip-flops. Both the flip-flops have non-zero propagation delays.

  1. $0110110\ldots$
  2. $0100100\ldots$
  3. $011101110\ldots$
  4. $011001100\ldots$
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9 Answers

Best answer
42 votes
42 votes
\bf{Q_{prev}}&    \textbf{D}&  \textbf{Q(JK)}&\bf{Explanation} \\\hline
\text{-}&1&0&\text{Now, the D output is 1, meaning J and K = 1; for next cycle} \\\hline 0&0&1& \text{J = K = 1(D output from prev state), so output toggles from 0 to 1} \\ \hline    1&1&1&\text{J = K = 0, so output remains 1} \\ \hline   1&1&0& \text{J = K = 0, so output remains 1} \\ \hline   0&0&1& \text{J = K = 1, so output toggles from 0 to 1}\\ \hline   1&1&1& \text{J = K = 0, so output remains 1}  \\ \hline    
$\text{D}$ flipflop output will be same as its input and $\text{JK}$ flipflop output toggles when $1$ is given to both $\text{J}$ and $\text{K}$ inputs.
i.e., $Q = D_{\text{prev}}({Q_{\text{prev}}}') + ({D_{\text{prev}}}')Q_{\text{prev}}$

Correct Answer: $A$
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15 votes
15 votes

Correct option: A


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