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Which of the following statements is/are CORRECT?

$S_1$: Max term is a sum term which contains all the variables in either direct or complementary form.

$S_2$: Min term is a product term which contains all the variables in either direct or complementary form such that for the combination of variables, the functional output must be $1$.

$S_3$: Min term is a product term which contains all the variables in either direct or complementary form.

  1. only $S_1$ is correct
  2. only $S_3$ is correct
  3. only $S_2$ is correct
  4. All $S_1$, $S_2$ and $S_3$ are correct
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1 Answer

Best answer
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A min term l is a $\text{product}$ (AND) of all variables in the function, in direct or complemented form. A min term has the property that it is equal to $1$ on exactly one row of the truth table.

A max term is a $\text{sum}$ (OR) of all the variables in the function, in direct or complemented form. A max term has the property that it is equal to $0$ on exactly one row of the truth table.

Consider $F = \sum_{w,x,y} (0,2)$

Here, $\bar w \bar x \bar y, \bar w x \bar y$ are max terms and $\bar w \bar x y, w x y$ are min terms.

$\bar w \bar x y$ not being a max terms makes option $S_1$ false and $\bar w \bar x \bar y$ not being a min term makes $S_3$ false.

Correct option $C$
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