Recent posts tagged iit-interviews

what i know sugest u is to google the same question and visit stackoverflow everey of your queries will be satisfied there . i know t is better but to explain everything ...
refer to this:
I just want to confirm whether all optimization problems are in NP or not say to find the shortest path this can be done in polynomial time and If I am given a graph and ...
Well, we are not doing this reduction for A, but for B. The reason is not for making problem B unsolvable in polynomial time but rather to realize that B is unsolvable in...
Sir , just one confusion that as u said that we convert one problem which is not polynomial to some other problem because we don't have any solution for the present time ...
(d) cannot be option.i think .both (a) and (b)... rest i dont know...
No, Strings of length n, 2n, 3n ... form the same equivalence class.
Lets follow our checklist one by one to see what property this algebraic structure follows.Closure -yes ($m*n=\max(m,n)$) Output is either $m$ or $n$ whichever is maximum...
SQL query will be SELECT cno FROM Completed, Pre-Req WHERE student_no = '2310' GROUP BY cno HAVING pre-Cno IN ( SELECT C.cno FROM Completed AS C WHERE C.student_no = '231...
sir that we do in dijkstra as well , there also we chose initially one vertex as source vertex , but there are only V passes .
Sir,How is the loop nested when we have semicolon at the end of both for loops? Am i missing something ?
i am not sure , i just give a try on this :{ p | (&exist;q)(&exist;r) works(p q r) and ( (&forall;y) (works(x y z )^( y = small bank co-operation)) - (&exist;z) (z<r) )}
in bellman ford algo v-1 times will give you the shortest path but if there is any -ve edge cycle to check you have to perform 1 more cycle . Why V-1times ? simple , a ve...
Consider a 8 million word main memory and 256 block cache.Both partitioned into 64 words block.What is the size of additional memory for tags? Size of the cache? consider...
A. Encapsulation
lg *n, (Inverse Ackermann function) is the number of times we can take log repeatedly until we get 1. This function can almost be considered constant for all practical pu...
Longest simple path cannot be computed like this. To understand why you need to know that Dijikstra's algorithm works using Greedy principle. That is, at each vertex we c...