Most viewed questions in Engineering Mathematics

61 votes
8 answers
34 votes
4 answers
Suppose $Y$ is distributed uniformly in the open interval $(1,6)$. The probability that the polynomial $3x^2 +6xY+3Y+6$ has only real roots is (rounded off to $1$ decimal...
28 votes
4 answers
The value of $\int^{\pi/4} _0 x \cos(x^2) dx$ correct to three decimal places (assuming that $\pi = 3.14$) is ____
6 votes
1 answer
Hi Answer to each option is given as:a) 122,523,030b) 72,930,375c) 223,149,655d) 100,626,625And I used the following approach to each option but answers don't match.a) C(...
24 votes
6 answers
The number of elements in the power set $P(S)$ of the set $S=\{\{\emptyset\}, 1, \{2, 3\}\}$ is:$2$$4$$8$None of the above
10 votes
3 answers
The set of all Equivalence Classes of a set A of Cardinality Cis of cardinality $2^c$have the same cardinality as Aforms a partition of Ais of cardinality $C^2$
25 votes
2 answers
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE for undirected graphs?P: Number of odd degree vertices is even.Q: Sum of degrees of all vertices is even. P only Q only Both...
18 votes
5 answers
Consider the following matrix.$$\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1& 0& 1 & 1\\ 1& 1 & 0 & 1 \\1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}$$The largest eigenvalue of the above matrix is __...
65 votes
9 answers
A graph $G=(V,E)$ satisfies $\mid E \mid \leq 3 \mid V \mid - 6$. The min-degree of $G$ is defined as $\min_{v\in V}\left\{ \text{degree }(v)\right \}$. Therefore, min-d...
65 votes
16 answers
The number of $4$ digit numbers having their digits in non-decreasing order (from left to right) constructed by using the digits belonging to the set $\{1, 2, 3\}$ is ___...
43 votes
4 answers