Recent activity by Vertika Srivastava

2 answers
0 answers
eQ) The number of positive integers satisfying the inequality are ________ $^{n+1}C_{(n-2)} + ^{n+1}C_{(n-1)}\leq 90$getting n= 1 to 9 so answer should be 9 ...
3 answers
A $3-\text{ary}$ tree is a tree in which every internal node has exactly three children. Use induction to prove that the number of leaves in a $3-\text{ary}$ tree with $n...
11 answers
Consider a hash function that distributes keys uniformly. The hash table size is $20$. After hashing of how many keys will the probability that any new key hashed collide...
2 answers
3 answers
Consider the quick sort algorithm on a set of $n$ numbers, where in every recursive subroutine of the algorithm, the algorithm chooses the median of that set as the pivot...
5 answers
For a $B^+$ - tree of order $d$ with $n$ leaf nodes, the number of nodes accessed during a search is $O(\_)$.