Previous GATE Questions in Discrete Mathematics

37 votes
4 answers
A polynomial $p(x)$ satisfies the following:$p(1) = p(3) = p(5) = 1$ $p(2) = p(4) = -1$The minimum degree of such a polynomial is$1$$2$$3$$4$
39 votes
6 answers
The minimum number of cards to be dealt from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of $52$ cards to guarantee that three cards are from same suit is$3$$8$$9$$12$
40 votes
4 answers
If $G$ is a group of even order, then show that there exists an element $a≠e$, the identity in $G$, such that $a^2 = e$.
33 votes
3 answers
How many edges can there be in a forest with $p$ components having $n$ vertices in all?
24 votes
4 answers
Which of the following is/are a tautology?$a \vee b \to b \wedge c$$a \wedge b \to b \vee c$$a \vee b \to \left(b \to c \right)$$a \to b \to \left(b \to c \right)$
9 votes
4 answers
A non-planar graph with minimum number of vertices has$9$ edges, $6$ vertices$6$ edges, $4$ vertices$10$ edges, $5$ vertices$9$ edges, $5$ vertices
10 votes
1 answer
52 votes
2 answers
Find the number of binary strings $w$ of length $2n$ with an equal number of $1's$ and $0's$ and the property that every prefix of $w$ has at least as many $0's$ as $1's....
43 votes
4 answers
Match the pairs in the following questions by writing the corresponding letters only.$$\begin{array}{|c|l|c|l|} \hline A. & \text{The number of distinct binary tree} & P....
51 votes
4 answers
The maximum number of possible edges in an undirected graph with $n$ vertices and $k$ components is ______.
19 votes
3 answers
114 votes
9 answers
Let $G$ be a complete undirected graph on $6$ vertices. If vertices of $G$ are labeled, then the number of distinct cycles of length $4$ in $G$ is equal to$15$$30$$90$$36...
71 votes
5 answers
Let $\text{fsa}$ and $\text{pda}$ be two predicates such that $\text{fsa}(x)$ means $x$ is a finite state automaton and $\text{pda}(y)$ means that $y$ is a pushdown autom...
17 votes
8 answers
Let $P =\sum \limits_ {i\;\text{odd}}^{1\le i \le 2k} i$ and $Q = \sum\limits_{i\;\text{even}}^{1 \le i \le 2k} i$, where $k$ is a positive integer. Then$P = Q - k$$P = Q...
39 votes
7 answers
29 votes
8 answers
If $P, Q, R$ are subsets of the universal set U, then $$(P\cap Q\cap R) \cup (P^c \cap Q \cap R) \cup Q^c \cup R^c$$ is$Q^c \cup R^c$$P \cup Q^c \cup R^c$$P^c \cup Q^c \c...