ISRO 2014 Computer Science Questions with Solution

Recent questions tagged isro2014

3 votes
2 answers
Which of the following is true with respect to Reference?A reference can never be NULLA reference needs an explicit dereferencing mechanismA reference can be reassigned a...
8 votes
4 answers
What is the number of steps required to derive the string $((()\; ())\; ())$ for the following grammar?$S \to SS$$S \to (S)$$S \to \varepsilon$ $10$ $12$ ...
2 votes
3 answers
Which of the following is NOT represented in a subroutine's activation record frame for a stack-based programming language?Values of local variablesReturn addressHeap are...
2 votes
3 answers
Consider the following segment table in segmentation scheme :$\begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline \textbf{Segment ID} & \textbf{Base} & \textbf{Limit} \\\hline \text{0} & \...
6 votes
1 answer
The number of logical CPUs in a computer having two physical quad-core chips with hyper threading enabled is ______$1$$2$$8$$16$
12 votes
5 answers
Consider a $33$ MHz cpu based system. What is the number of wait states required if it is interfaced with a $60$ ns memory? Assume a maximum of $10$ ns delay for addition...
7 votes
1 answer
Every time the attribute A appears, it is matched with the same value of attribute B but not the same value of attribute C. Which of the following is true?A - (B,C) ...
14 votes
4 answers
Suppose there are $11$ items in sorted order in an array. How many searches are required on the average, if binary search is employed and all searches are successful in f...
7 votes
1 answer
The number of bit strings of length $8$ that will either start with $1$ or end with $00$ is?$32$ $128$ $160$ $192$
1 votes
2 answers
If only one memory location is to be reserved for a class variable, no matter how many objects are instantiated, then the variable should be declared asexternstaticvolati...
10 votes
3 answers
The probability that two friends are born in the same month is ____ ?$1/6$$1/12$$1/144$$1/24$
6 votes
3 answers
In the standard $\text{IEEE}$ $754$ single precision floating point representation, there is $1$ bit for sign, $23$ bits for fraction and $8$ bits for exponent. What is t...
4 votes
3 answers
Consider a system where each file is associated with a 16 bit number. For each file, each user should have the read and write capability. How much memory is needed to sto...
7 votes
2 answers
10 votes
6 answers
If each address space represents one byte of storage space, how many address lines are needed to access RAM chips arranged in a $4 \times 6$ array, where each chip is $8\...
10 votes
3 answers
19 votes
5 answers
The number of states required by a Finite State Machine,to simulate the behavior of a computer with a memory capable of storing 'm' words, each of length 'n' bits is?$m \...