4 answers
The decimal number has $64$ digits. The number of bits needed for its equivalent binary representation is?$200$$213$$246$$277$
8 answers
Consider the following Hasse diagrams. Which all of the above represent a lattice?(i) and (iv) only(ii) and (iii) only(iii) only(i), (ii) and (iv) only
9 answers
We are given a set of $n$ distinct elements and an unlabeled binary tree with $n$ nodes. In how many ways can we populate the tree with the given set so that it becomes a...
1 answer
How can we identify whether a function is call by value or call by refrence?? by looking at the defination or by looking at the statement where it is called.please someon...
2 answers
Consider the grammar with productions$S\rightarrow aSb\mid SS \mid \varepsilon$This grammar is not context-free, not linearnot context-free, linearcontext-free, not linea...
4 answers
If there are $n$ devices (nodes) in a network, what is the number of cable links required for a fully connected mesh and a star topology respectively$n(n-1)/2$, $n-1$$n$,...
1 answer
Language accepted by following NFA and number of states in DFA accepting that Language are:$\{a^n|n=2k,kϵN\}$ and 2$\{a^{2n}|n=2k,kϵN\}$ and 2$\{a^n|n=2k,kϵ N\}$ and 3...
1 answer
Is the following DFA valid ?? Can we go to same state from a same state with different inputs ??
0 answers
need the concept to understand context switching for processes created by fork system call.
9 answers
2 answers
NFA to DFA..no of states answer
0 answers
2 answers
A binary search tree is used to locate the number $43.$ Which one of the followingprobe sequence is not possible?$61,52,14,17,40,43$$10,65,31,48,37,43$$81,61,52,14,41,43$...