44 votes
7 answers
24 votes
5 answers
Consider the following graph: Among the following sequences:abeghfabfehgabfhgeafghbeWhich are the depth-first traversals of the above graph?I, II and IV onlyI and IV only...
53 votes
3 answers
Consider the following three claims:$(n+k)^m = \Theta(n^m)$ where $k$ and $m$ are constants$2^{n+1} = O(2^n)$$2^{2n+1} = O(2^n)$Which of the following claims are correct?...
25 votes
3 answers
Suppose the numbers $7, 5, 1, 8, 3, 6, 0, 9, 4, 2$ are inserted in that order into an initially empty binary search tree. The binary search tree uses the usual ordering o...
75 votes
10 answers
67 votes
10 answers
Which of the following suffices to convert an arbitrary CFG to an LL(1) grammar?Removing left recursion aloneFactoring the grammar aloneRemoving left recursion and factor...
56 votes
12 answers
The regular expression $0^*(10^*)^*$ denotes the same set as$(1^*0)^*1^*$$0+(0+10)^*$$(0+1)^*10(0+1)^*$None of the above
48 votes
4 answers
Consider an array multiplier for multiplying two $n$ bit numbers. If each gate in the circuit has a unit delay, the total delay of the multiplier is$\Theta(1)$$\Theta(\lo...
28 votes
5 answers
Assuming all numbers are in $2’s$ complement representation, which of the following numbers is divisible by $11111011$?$11100111$$11100100$$11010111$$11011011$