2 answers
Every simple, undirected, connected and acyclic graph with 50 vertices has at least two vertices of degree one.
1 answer
int main(){int a = 10;cout<<a++;return 0;} (A) 10(B) 11(C) 12(D) Not defined
0 answers
Question: How NullSpace of the matrix A and the uniqueness of the solution of Ax=b are related ??
3 answers
Which of the following algorithm leads convoy effect?FCFS SJF Priority scheduling All of the above
1 answer
Can we connect LAN and WAN using bridges??What is the problem, i think there is no problem except expansion of broadcast domain..
1 answer
i have typed the following code but when i executed it the solution was not according to my expectation.unsigned short int y= -9; int iy=y; printf(“%d”,iy); solutio...
1 answer
How pipelining process occurs in SR protocol? will it minimize the Tt time?
1 answer
Please Explain the formulae for % time of CPU blocked in both Cycle Stealing mode and Burst mode of DMA
1 answer
Question → If (G,*) is a group of order 960 and there exist a in G such that a^m=e for some integer m<=960 where e is identity element of G then total number of possibl...